Use This Step-By-Step Guide To Write Your Atomic Essays In 15–30 Minutes (And Enjoy Your Hands Writing Effortlessly On Their Own)

Oscar Lagrosen
2 min readMar 23, 2022

(You can also listen to this article on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts)

At 5:50 AM, when the sun is rising, I go through the following steps:

  • Turn off distractions and enter hyperfocus by staring and writing down all other thoughts you have.
  • Look and adjust the outline you have somewhat prepped beforehand. Could be ideas and links that you thought you would include, plus suggestions for headline and format.
  • Craft the headline. Make sure it reflects the overall essay with a curiosity gap.
  • Prep the page with the first 1–3–1 (sentence, paragraph, sentence), bullet points and subheadings.
  • Write whatever comes out naturally. Feel free to bounce around different parts of the text depending on your instincts in the moment. Gather more info if needed.
  • Read and prune the essay when you feel the essay is done. Adjust the headline if necessary.
  • Grammarly to correct linguistic mistakes.

The key is to not think at all and just feel. You want to clear your head and be fully present. If correctly, your hands are typing…



Oscar Lagrosen

My articles are transcripts from my YouTube videos. Watch the original videos here: