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How You Instantly Become Present By Anticipating Your Next Thought
(You can also listen to this article on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts)
If you are like 99.9% of people, you have a ton of thoughts running around. 50 000 per day, to be exact.
Whatever you see, hear, and feel, you instantly associate with experiences from the past. You also ruminate if what you are doing is the best use of your time and how prepared/unprepared you are for the future.
The problem is that almost all thoughts are noise and cause you stress
Think about the last time you were truly happy. Either at a beautiful place with amazing people, being in the zone, or simply enjoying yourself. Chances are that no thoughts were there.
The monkey-mind chatter thoughts prevent you from enjoying life right now. Paradoxically, the more you try to stop the stream, the more thoughts you generate. It’s is like trying not to think about a pink elephant.
The solution: anticipate the next thought
Instead of trying to stop thinking, think instead,
“I wonder what my next thought will be.”