How to Always Have Self-Control and Inner Power (No Matter What Happens)
If I’m being completely honest here, I think everyone on Earth wants this self-control and inner power.
How tired are we to see ourselves procrastinating, being nervous, having these constant worrying thoughts, being needy, too reactive whatever. It feels horrible to see ourselves absolutely weak and useful when we doom scroll social media for the 25th time today, eat yet another cookie, be stuck on Netflix, or have too much fun alone in the dark thinking about girls, you know what I mean.
I think we both agree that what we need in these moments is to sort of wake up and say “we got better things to do right now” and then just get up and do the thing that we are supposed to do all along. And also feel all the time that we have the ultimate power to choose what we want to do, not being a slave to other people or that phone.
So I want to give you 3 mindset shifts that I discovered this week that have helped me tremendously with this. Because keep in mind, I have spent 3.5 years obsessing about productivity and self-improvement stuff and this week it finally clicked. For the first time ever, I don’t feel addicted to anything and it feels like whatever happens is in my power, being very relaxed about it. You absolutely deserve to know these too since I believe it will make…