Doing Something For The First Time? 5 Tips To Make Trial And Error (Exploring) Easier And More Enjoyable

Oscar Lagrosen
2 min readJun 20, 2022

Whenever you find yourself confused or unsure of what to do, you are exploring.

It is the first and scariest phase of any activity when you are entering the unknown. You look around, observe and listen to feedback. Once you have tested around, you can optimize to your needs. This applies both from kitchen and cleaning to career progression.

To make trial and error easier, here are 5 tips that have worked immensely for me when I started something new:

1. Failures and errors are your friends

Trying to be perfect undermines your speed and learning since you do not listen to what reality states. But being imperfect, always moving and adjusting along the way,like a missile, you can learn whatever you want, whenever. You will also use this information to light up the trail, applying what you have learned.

In addition, your brain will open up neuroplasticity and increase focus the more errors you make. The more failures you can do, the more your brain will appreciate you.

2. Forget about being productive at this stage

You must afford to visit dead-ends and take it easy. Often it is intimidating to start just because you expect to be faster than you actually are. Instead, take it easy, turn on some relaxing music, and you will navigate all the data points flawlessly.

3. When stuck, slow down and observe, but always move forward

In your exploration, there are tons of data points and decisions to do. Imagine being in a foreign country for the first time and having to do everything from scratch. You would not expect to be as quick as home. In the same way, enjoy the process and that you are on the highway to growth and learning, rapidly passing anyone else.

4. Document what you do and learn

This way, you will not feel you are wasting time. The note-taking tool is invaluable here for this stream of data. Whatever insight you come up with, add to your note-taking tool for potential review later.

5. Let others’ opinions in from the start



Oscar Lagrosen

My articles are transcripts from my YouTube videos. Watch the original videos here: