5 Effective Ways To Increase Your Self-Awareness And Gain Control Of Yourself
The more self aware you are, the more you know what you are doing right now and why.
You start to notice the twitching legs, doomscrolling, and shallow breathing as you are reading this. Your internal lamp gets brighter, shedding light on the dust that has always been there. You become more connected with yourself and your environment, getting an intuitive sense on what to do next and actually takes the action, instead of being locked in the imaginary chains of procrastination. You can also regulate your emotional waves from boiling over, cooling down the system before you have the chance to lash out.
Self-awareness is similar to more internet and GPS-signal to your phone, giving you a clearer view of what you are. Getting to where you are going requires knowing where you are. No amount of action will be helpful if you go into the wrong direction blindly.
Based on modern science and my own experiences, here are 5 ways to increase your self awareness:
1. Be totally present
By either deliberately breathing, staring, listening or feeling your body, you will break free from your inner fog of thoughts. You start to see the world like somthing wiped your windshield. The chatter is gone and you notice the peace around you. In this heightened state of awareness (which you should be in all the time), you have gained control of yourself.
2. Write down your thoughts, ideas, and action steps into a trusted system
Throughout history, journaling has been a refuge and effective tool for reflection for a reason. Once you can see your thought patterns in front of you, you gain the necessary objectivity to do something about it. If you keep your notes in a safe place, you can safely forget them and be present instead, like the computer who does not need to run all the programs at the same time. What you need will be there when you return. Learn more about non-stop capturing here.
3. Meditate
During my 20 years of experience with transcendental meditation, I have noticed more and more command of myself. At this point, my body is very connected to my mind and the control panel is right under my finger tips. Regardless of what meditation practice you take, you will start to gain the same experience, both during and after your daily practice. Learn more about meditation here.
4. Relax by accepting what is there
When doing extended paradoxical relaxation, you are not trying to control what happens. Instead of forcing the relaxation, it happens naturally when you step back and acknowledge reality for what is. In the same way you gain the self control by letting go of it. Forgive yourself and you can take action.
5. Seek feedback from others
Ultimately, you can only see so much by yourself. By getting feedback from trusted others, you get the necessary outside perspective for your actions and work. You can get a glimpse of yourself through their minds and can act accordingly to serve them better.
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